Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lodge on Time and Don't Risk a Fine

A few people have asked when their returns must be done by so I thought it worth mentioning here.

You have until the 31 October 2007 to lodge your 2006-07 tax return.

Late fines range from $110 to $550 if you lodge within four months after the due date, and up to $2,750 after that period. Interest is also incurred on outstanding tax.

Individuals lodging their own return must do so by October 31, whereas those registered under a tax agent have longer.

One reason many people avoid lodging on time is the fear they will have to pay a tax debt. If this applies to you, be aware that:

  • you have plenty of time before now and the first payment,

  • the ATO can work with you to come up with a manageable payment plan, and

  • the longer you leave it, the more fines and interest charges you will eventually have to pay.

The lesson here is lodge on time and don't risk the fines.


The comments provided in this blog are general in nature and not intended to be specific advice. Each situation is different. You should discuss your circumstances with Alan (or another tax agent) to obtain individual advice before acting on any information.