Thursday, May 10, 2007

What are the Dollars & Sense Blogs all about?

Well, I am glad that you asked.

After designing, printing and posting client newsletters the other day, I was struck by the "light bulb" idea to begin blogging. It's a quick and effective way to communicate and offers so much more possibility than quarterly snail mail.

Alan and I see our role as more than a one-off tax season service for our individual clients. We are your accountants every day of the year. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to build upon that relationship and extend service throughout the year because most of our individual clients only phone in around July... even later if they aren't expecting a refund.

So, I asked around to discover what it is people really want to know and services they wished their accountant provided. As it turns out, there is a whole LOT... more than enough to justify regular blog updates.

Many of you face issues on a daily basis dealing with various government departments, understanding and claiming ever-changing entitlements, sorting out a household budget, knowing what records to keep, making sense of tax jargon, getting out of debt, contemplating home-businesses or getting back into the workforce once the kids are at school. Phew! It's no wonder we are all stressed these days.

As a family with three young children ourselves, we understand the frustration.

The aim of the Dollars & Sense blog for Individuals is to provide you with relevant information and tips so that you can stay informed and on top of nitty-gritty household management.

While I am beginning the blog with local families and clients in mind, most of the information and resources will be relevant to any Australian household.

You can expect articles, news, reviews, hints, tips, lessons and links covering everything outlined above from claiming tax rebates to cutting the grocery bill.

I'll be maintaining the "Individuals" blog and adding postings on a regular basis. Content will be guided by your feedback so don't be shy about making suggestions or offerring your comments.

We are also establishing the Dollars and Sense for Small Business blog with similar aims as an additional service to our business clients and anyone else who is interested.

Christie Lewis is a business partner with Alan Lewis Accounting & Taxation Services. Located on the NSW Central Coast. More than just a tax time necessity... we remain at your service for the entire year. Visit us online today at


The comments provided in this blog are general in nature and not intended to be specific advice. Each situation is different. You should discuss your circumstances with Alan (or another tax agent) to obtain individual advice before acting on any information.