Monday, May 21, 2007

Stop Bugging Me at Home! DO NOT CALL Register

The Government has finally launched the long-awaited DO NOT CALL Register. I wasted no time in adding our home number to the list.

You can register your home and mobile numbers on the register but not business or fax lines. Telemarketers are required to check their call list against the Do Not Call register prior to making calls, or could face penalties.

Is this the end of all unsolicted calls?
No, but it's a step in the right direction. This will not stop all telemarketers as there are a few exemptions which enable certain public interest organisations to make telemarketing calls. Exempt organisations include charities, religious organisations and registered political parties. You can also still receive calls from market researchers.

How soon until I notice the changes?
According to the Do Not Call website, it may take up to 30 days after registering your number for calls to reduce.

How do I register?
You can register online at or over the phone on 1300 792 958.


The comments provided in this blog are general in nature and not intended to be specific advice. Each situation is different. You should discuss your circumstances with Alan (or another tax agent) to obtain individual advice before acting on any information.